
Call for abstract is open

The Call for Abstracts is open to all interested in the conference theme of social connectedness and its subthemes.
Contributions can be submitted for the following modes of presentation:

  • Symposium (discussion of a specific topic suggested by a group of authors)
  • Individual oral presentation
  • Interactive workshop
  • Poster presentation

The proposals may be research-based, conceptual or grounded in classroom or fieldwork experience and will be subject to a peer-review selection process.

Abstracts are limited:

  • Max. 1 abstract for a Symposium (max. 500 words / 3000 characters, 1 main author, max. 3 co-authors)


  • Max. 2 abtracts for other formats (max. 250 words / 1500 characters, 1 main author, max. 2 co-authors)
    for “Individual oral presentation”, “Interactive workshop” or “Poster presentation”

Authors do not have to be EASSW members to submit an abstract and participate in the conference. A reduced registration fee is applied to EASSW members.

Submitted abstracts must list up to 5 keywords. All abstracts, regardless of the type of proposal, must include the following key elements:

  • The theoretical background,
  •  The applied methods (methodology),
  • The importance of the topic for social work education,
  • The subtheme of the conference, to which the abstract is linked (contributions can also be linked to the overall conference theme). 

Proposal Types

1) Symposium (Discussion of a Specific Topic by a Group of Authors)

A symposium offers an in-depth discussion of a topic, to which three to four oral paper presentations contribute. A symposium is suggested by a coordinator, who submits the abstract. The abstract describes the topic of the symposium and its importance to the conference theme/subthemes and lists all the contributing authors. A symposium takes 75 minutes, including oral paper presentations and discussions. Preference will be given to symposia that demonstrate cohesiveness across presentations and are strongly linked to the central theme/subthemes of the conference. Symposia will be accepted or rejected as a whole, not in parts.

2) Individual Oral Presentation

The oral paper presentation is delivered by an individual (and co-authors) and should be in line with the main theme of the conference and/or linked to one of the conference’s subthemes. The oral presentations will be grouped thematically in parallel sessions by the Scientific Committee, based on the conference subthemes. A 75 minute session will feature at least three paper presentations and discussions.

3) Interactive Workshop

A brief thematic input is followed by an interactive workshop with considerable participation and discussion from those attending. Workshops may have an explicit agenda of training participants on a given topic or of generating an interest group or a network for future collaboration. If applying for a workshop, please submit a description of theory and methods used, the importance of the topic/method for social work education and the subtheme of the conference the workshop is linked to. Workshops can be given by one to three persons (please name all persons contributing to the workshop) and will last 75 minutes.

4) Poster Presentation

The poster may be created by an individual or by a group; its theme is linked to the overall conference theme and/or one of the subthemes. The poster is to be displayed on a portable wall at the conference site. There will be a time slot allocated in the programme to authors presenting their poster and  answering questions of participants. To apply for a poster presentation, the author(s) must submit an abstract too.

Each author must PRINT the poster and post it in the space available for this purpose at the FH Salzburg (conference location).

Printed in A0 format with 1189mm height X 841mm width.

Language: English

Font: Arial

The criteria for the reviewing of the abstracts will be

  1. Relevance to the conference topic/subtopic: The abstract should directly relate to the conference´s main theme and the chosen subtopic and clearly demonstrate how it aligns with the chosen topics. Key massages and focus on substance by providing relevant details and insights should be integrated. Well supported findings and conclusions should be presented.

  1. Relevance to Social Work (Education):The conference as a collaborative effort should integrate expertise, share insights and lead to collaboration on strategies in Social Work and Social Work Education. The abstract should then show evidence in continuing education and professional development and include ethics such as confidentiality, respect diversity and maintain professional boundaries to help Social Workers to navigate them by the given principles.

  1. State of the Art (Social work good practice/Scientific good practice): The abstract should include evidence-based knowledge and systematic study. It encompasses unterstanding human behavior, social environments and effective interventions and emphasizes creativity, intuition and practice wisdom and the skillful application of knowledge, empathy and adaptability. Evidence-based approaches should integrate and honor the individuality of each client, situation and environment and lead to synergy-effects among the participants of the conference.

  1. Originality: The abstract should refer to the quality of being special, interesting and different. Originality implies freshness and uniqueness, it stands out because it hasn´t been seen or done in the same way before and thus focuses on the further development, progress and differentiation of the profession and discipline of Social Work.


November 1st, 2024


January 31st, 2025